📦Amazon Reports

Find below important information on the Amazon data feeding into Drivepoint.

Explanation of Amazon Seller Fees

Commission Fees (otherwise known as referral fee): variable sales fees for the privilege of selling on Amazon.

Amazon Fulfillment Fees: variable fees to pay Amazon for fulfilling the product storage and shipment.

Other Fees: Everything else that is not grouped within Amazon's Comissions and Fulfillment Fees.

Check out this list of an overview of all fees (although we have not seen the relevance of breaking it out across our customer analysis). If you do want certain fees to be broken out individually, please submit a request by emailing support@drivepoint.io

*Shipping fees are netted out in Shipping Income

Not seeing all data?

14 day lag for the AmazonSP API

For returning subscriptions, Amazon does not provide full data from their API for the past 14 days. As a result, metrics like sales will lag behind for 14 days. You will see your sales numbers continue to change as we move further past the prior month.

The reason, as provided by Amazon's Selling Partner API documentation, is that when an order is in a Pending state they do not provide any information about "pricing, taxes, shipping charges, gift status or promotions" for the items in the order. This Pending state typically applies to recurring subscriptions and denotes when "the order has been placed but payment has not been authorized." These orders will typically shift from the Pending state into either Canceled or Shipped states.

No AmazonSP data past 13 months

It appears that Amazon only provides us with information on the last 13 months for certain customers. We are currently working on a fix to pull all historical data AND the last 13 months into a combined table to feed into Amazon reports. We will send out a note in our weekly product email as soon as it is fixed for all customers.

Do you have more questions? We're here for you!

Last updated