Customer Retention
This data is pulled from Sales data (e.g. DTC Sales from Shopify or Amazon Sales from Amazon).
Last updated
This data is pulled from Sales data (e.g. DTC Sales from Shopify or Amazon Sales from Amazon).
Last updated
In order to focus on the customer retention after the first purchase, this report completely excludes the first purchase from any of the calculations. As a result, any Day 0, Week 0 or Month 0 Since First Purchase displayed that would always be 100% will instead represent the percentage of customers that made a returning purchase within the same period in which they made the first purchase.
Customer Retention: Cohorted by when they made their first purchase (Cohort Interval), the number of customers that made a returning purchase divided by the number of customers from the cohort (Cohort Size).
Cohort Interval: This is a control available in the Filters menu with the possible options of Quarter, Month, Week, and Day. Each option groups first-time customers together into cohorts based on the interval selected. For instance, a customer that makes their first purchase on January 15th, 2024 is cohorted into Q1 2024 (quarter), Jan-24 (month), (week of) Jan 14, 2024, and Jan 15, 2024 (day).
Interval Since First Purchase: This is a control available in the Filters menu with the possible options of Month, Week, and Day. Each option calculates the calendar distance since the first purchase.
As an example, let's assume we selected Month and we're looking at customers acquired in Jan. 2020. The Month 0 is representative of any purchases that followed within Jan. 2020. Month 1 would represent any purchases that took place in Feb. 2020, Month 2 would be Mar. 2020, Month 3 as Apr. 2020, and so on.
Amazon can often experience a 14 day lag. Click below to learn more.
View the performance of your previous 12 month cohorts in a graph and table.
Hovering over the graph will show you the percentage of customers acquired that made a returning purchase broken down per month.
💡Example: 5.1% of customers who bought their first product in October-23 also purchased a product in the following month (November-23). Whereas 6.1% of customers who bought their first product in May-23 purchased a product in the following month (June-23)
Toggle between different segments to uncover further insights (i.e.. Subscription vs. Non-Subscription)
💡No segments specified? Talk to your Drivepoint rep or contact us
Toggle between different timeframes to hone in on specific cohorts.
Export the graph and table by clicking the arrow button in the top right.