Segment Crossover
A view into customer transitions over time from one segment to another.
This report should be used to answer the common questions of what percent of customers start with this segment (e.g. "One time purchase") and eventually buy this other segment (e.g. "Subscription") and how well you are doing this over time.
Intervals Since First Purchase
Calculated as the number calendar intervals (e.g. months) from the date of the first purchase, this dimension defines each series on the chart and each column within the table of this report.
Cohort Months
A month range filter that can select the window of time in which a customer made their first purchase.
Cohort Interval
Defaulted to Month. Each option groups first-time customers together into cohorts based on the interval selected.
Purchase Path
First Segment -> Returning Segment This does not mean that the customer bought the Returning Segment right after the First Segment, but eventually did. It is instead a display of the fact that the customer started with the First Segment and eventually bought the different Returning Segment.
For instance, a customer buys a NonSubscription as their first and second purchase. This becomes their First Segment. On their third purchase, they buy a Subscription, which is represented here as their Returning Segment. As a result, the Purchase Path is "NonSubscription -> Subscription".
Cohort Size
The number of customers acquired within the Cohort Interval.
Calculation Method
Defaulted to Cumulative. Incremental: The number of customers that have purchased a different segment than the one they started with on the Intervals Since First Purchase / Cohort Size Cumulative: Simply a cumulative version of Incremental
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