Sales Reports
Drivepoint currently offers Sales reports for DTC, Amazon and Wholesale channels.
What does the Customer Type field mean?
Here is how we define customer types:
By Purchase Order:
Order split based on their first purchase and all purchases that occur afterwards. A customer can only have one First-Time purchase. This is the same way that Shopify categorizes First-Time and Returning.
Customer Types:
First-Time: the first purchase a customer ever makes.
Returning: any purchase after the first purchase.
By Segment Purchase Order:
Order split based on the first time they purchase a segment and all purchases of the same segment afterwards. A customer can make more than one First-Time purchase in this method, but only one per Segment. Commonly used to see how many orders are from the first purchase of a subscription.
Customer Types:
First-Time: the first purchase a customer makes of a Segment.
Returning: any purchase after the first purchase of the Segment.
By SmartModel Basis:
Order split that lines up with the way the SmartModel breaks purchases into two categories.
Customer Types:
Month 0: any purchase that occurs within the month the customer was acquired, which is the same month they made their first purchase.
Month 1+: any purchase that occurs in a month that follows the customer’s acquisition month.
What does the Product Customer Type field mean?
Product Customer Type: Based on the Product Dimension selected (e.g. SKU), we determine if the customer has purchased the same Product before.
First-Time means the customer has never purchased this product before - even if they are a Returning Customer Type.
Returning means the customer has purchased this product before. You cannot have a Returning Product Customer Type combined with a First-Time Customer Type because it is the first purchase ever by the customer. (Identical products purchased within the same order are considered ties and do not matter to this calculation.)
What are the Amazon fees?
Check out our overview on Amazon fees here.
What are the Tik Tok Fees?
Commission Fee: An amount charged for each successful order, based on rates that differ for each product sub-category.
Transaction Fee: An amount charged for processing successful orders.
Affiliate Commission: When an Affiliate has helped seller sell a product, and the order has not been cancelled or successfully refunded before the settlement period ends, TikTok Shop will automatically deduct an amount from the order.
Learn more about Seller Fees and browse through Tik Tok Shop's FAQ.
I have multiple Shopify Stores. How can I filter across my stores?
Simple open the "Customize" panel by pressing the button on the top right and selecting the store that you would like to see under the "Store" Filter on the bottom.
What are all available dimensions in the multi-filter?
The options available in each dimension are based on the time frame. Select a longer timeframe to find an older discount code
The options in each dimension are also listed based on frequency.
Use Cases
I want to see Sales minus the one discount code that I used for an experiment
I would like to see Sales coming from
I would like to see Sales from the Northeast or just NYC
Exclude any…
Discount Code
Channel Name
Payment Provider
Landing Site
Referring Site
Select greater/less than for…
Units Sold (select greater/less than)
Purchase Order
Last updated