Overview of the SmartModel™️
Start using the SmartModel™ right away with a quick crash course.
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Start using the SmartModel™ right away with a quick crash course.
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In order to have the Excel files powered with our technology we have the following tabs integrated in a SmartModel™:
Settings tab: identifies the ID of the company that gets picked up by the Drivepoint Data Warehouse.
M-Monthly tab: the "spine" of our model that informs all of the financial and variance reports in the Drivepoint Web-App.
Ranges tab: this provides the structure to the Drivepoint technology and it's essential that it is well formatted.
P.S. the file also needs to be in the Excel format (xlxs, xlsm).
The Drivepoint team sets you up with these core tabs so that you are able to make use of the entire suite of product offerings. If you ever happen to accidentally delete something or core features are not working, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.