Powered by Muffin Data
This page is for you, if you have native Wholesale integrations through the Muffin Data platform.
If you have purchased the Wholesale Add-On, we are standing up the following Wholesale Schedule with your data (pulled from Muffin Data) right in your SmartModel™.
Structure of the Wholesale Schedule that is powered by Muffin Data
Let’s dive into each section and understand it in detail.
Profit and Loss Summary
This section provides a high level overview on the core financial metrics for your wholesale data schedule. Easily identify the total monthly gross sales, discounts, returns, COGS and Marketing Expenses for your wholesale business. Once you have the quick brief on the core financial metrics, you can continue on in the schedule to view the Sales Cash Flow Summary.
Sales Cash Flow Summary
Knowing that payment schedules in wholesale are quite variable and dependent on the specific account, you are able to view your monthly wholesale cash flow in this row. Now, it’s time to dive into the details and see how the core financial metrics, including the cash flow, is broken down into more granular categories.
Gross Sales by Account
This section identifies the main drivers for the wholesale gross sales and direct costs, making it the “bread and butter” of the wholesale tab
Definitions of the Section:
Account: the business that purchases your product and sells it either directly to consumers in their stores or sells it again to other stores (e.g., Distributors).
Stores Selling: the number of individual stores your product is actively selling in
Average SKUs per Store Selling: the number of individual product items present per individual store.
Velocity (Units Sold per SKU per Store Selling per week): the number of units sold per individual product item per individual store per week. This is a measurement of how fast your individual products are selling on average.
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