Wholesale Reports
Compare core metrics like POS Sales and Velocity across accounts and products.
Last updated
Compare core metrics like POS Sales and Velocity across accounts and products.
Last updated
The data of the wholesale reports is provided by Muffin Data™
Product: We think of the standard product as the entity, which has among other things, a name, a UPC, and a SKU. The same product might have multiple SKUs across the different retailers, so there are edge cases. Shopify as you know has products with variants, and the variants have SKUs — and multiple products might share the same SKU.
Account: Refers to the Parent Reporting Account which often directly equates to the name of the retailer (e.g. Albertson, HEB, etc)
Stores Selling
Individual number of ACTIVE stores you are selling at
Also known as POS (Points of Sales) or doors
Points of Distribution: POS * SKUs
Highlights how many distribution points you have as a company within a store
POS Sales Dollars
Revenue of retailer
The revenue Whole Foods Store on 24th St. makes from selling one Protein Bar 12-pack chocolate
Velocity (Units Sold Per SKU per Store per Week)
The # of SKUs sold per individual store per week
“Our velocity for WholeFoods 24th St for Protein Bar 12-pack chocolate was 10 last week”
Units Sold Per Product
# of units sold per product
Protein Bar 12-pack chocolate sold 100 times yesterday
Units Sold
# of units sold Can be either POS based OR distributors shipped (units sold is calculated differently per store)
We sold 2000 units across all SKUs yesterday
POS Revenue per Product per Store Selling per Week
Retailer revenue per Product per store per week
As Whole Foods 24th St, I made $1000 in Protein Bar 12-pack chocolate Sales last week
We are happy to help in case you have any questions. Feel free to contact us anytime.