📈N-Day LTV
A pivoted way version of Cohorted Financials such that LTV and CAC can be viewed as a trend over time.
This report represents the typical way that investors like to look at LTV to understand if a business is improving, stagnant or declining in terms of its ability to generate more value out of the customers it acquires since inception.
Days Since First Purchase
Calculated as the number calendar days from the date of the first purchase, this dimension defines each series on the chart and each column within the table of this report. Depending on the Cohort Months filter, this report can output Days 0, 30, 45, 60, 90, 180, 360, and 720. Day 0 represents the partial calendar day in which the first purchase occurred. Day 1 and onward represent full calendar days afterwards.
Cohort Months
A month range filter that can select the window of time in which a customer made their first purchase.
Cohort Interval
Defaulted to Month. Each option groups first-time customers together into cohorts based on the interval selected.
Cohort Size
The number of customers acquired within the Cohort Interval.
Cumulative Customer Retention
The number of customers that have made at least one returning purchase by n-day / Cohort Size
Gross LTV
Cumulative Gross Sales / Cohort Size
Net Sales LTV
Cumulative Net Sales / Cohort Size
Net Sales = Gross Sales - Discounts - Returns
Net Revenue LTV
Cumulative Net Revenue / Cohort Size
Net Revenue = Net Sales + Shipping + Taxes
Contribution Profit LTV
Cumulative Contribution Profit / Cohort Size
Blended CAC
Direct Ad Spend / Cohort Size
Fully Loaded CAC
Total Marketing Spend / Cohort Size
Contribution Profit LTV Less Blended CAC
Contribution Profit LTV - Blended CAC
Contribution Profit LTV Less Fully Loaded CAC
Contribution Profit LTV - Fully Loaded CAC
Last updated