Reloading saved Plans

Use this guide to take a saved Plan and change the view of your SmartModel™️.

Warning: Loading assumptions from a saved plan will overwrite the current assumptions in your working model. You may want to save your current working copy as a plan before you continue. Please reference 'saving a plan' and the example use case.

As a best practice scenario, especially when you have multiple users working in the model, it is good practice to save the current version of the SmartModel™️ as a plan before making any changes. In that way, you can very easily go back to the "start" when you have finished your analyses in the SmartModel™️.

Assuming you have done some CAC analyses, here is how you go back to the initial version:

  1. Select the Drivepoint Excel Add in menu item

  2. Click the "View Plans" icon in the Excel Ribbon

  3. Locate the plan you want to reload assumptions from and click on Load Assumptions from this Plan (it's a blue button near the bottom of the plan summary card).

  4. Choose which assumptions you want to reload (in other words: which tabs you would like to reload)

You are able to select all tabs (especially useful if you have made a lot of changes or you are not quite sure which tabs you touched) or if you analysed just a few metrics you can select the tabs that you want to update. Either case works, you might just have to wait a moment if you selected all tabs.

  1. Wait for the operation to complete (this can take a while - no need to panic🙏)

If your plan is not saving or you receive any issues, please contact us immediately to resolve the issue

Last updated