Mapping Financial Accounts
You need to map all of your accounts to Drivepoint categories. The mappings are stored in the Drivepoint cloud and will get pulled into every Plan when importing financial data.
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You need to map all of your accounts to Drivepoint categories. The mappings are stored in the Drivepoint cloud and will get pulled into every Plan when importing financial data.
Last updated
When you are importing all data and your QBO or Netsuite is skipped, you receive an alert that you have new accounts to map. Please click on that link.
Open the Drivepoint Add-In and click on Import Data
Next to your Financial data click on the > arrow
Expand the Add-In Menu to map accounts for better visibility into all fields
Click on "Unmapped only" to get a better view of the accounts you still need to map
Scroll through the options in the Drivepoint menu to map every unmapped account
If you are unsure of the unmapped account, you can also scroll to the right to "Full Account Information" and hover over the row to see more information from your accounting software (QBO/Netsuite) that might help map this account to Drivepoint
Once you have selected a Drivepoint category, scroll down and click on "Save Accounts Map"
There are some accounts that are always purposefully left unmapped because they could be totals or subtotals. Mapping those accounts will double count in M-monthly.
Examples of Accounts to leave unmapped: