Connecting Netsuite Financials


The simplest way to connect Netsuite to Drivepoint is to enable nightly automated email reports to an email address specifically created for import into Drivepoint. The below guide details how to configure and enable this connection. If you are interested in a more custom approach utilizing FTP or a Cloud Storage Bucket, please see the guides below and contact your CSM team for support.

Integration Methods

FTP Method

  1. You’ll need to create a destination on your FTP server where reports will be uploaded from Netsuite. Make sure uploaded report files have proper name and format and are replaced with a fresh ones at the desired frequency:

    1. Income Statement report file should be in CSV format named income_statement

    2. Balance Sheet report file should be in CSV format named balance_sheet

  2. Provide us with the following data to access FTP for those reports:

    1. FTP host

    2. FTP port

    3. username

    4. password

    5. directory path on FTP with reports

Direct Delivery via Upload to Cloud Storage Bucket

  1. We will create netsuite_reports bucket in your Cloud Storage storage and prepare service account JSON access key that will have access only to that bucket.

  2. You can then use provided key to connect your service to netsuite_reports bucket.

  3. You can then set up Netsuite reports upload, make sure uploaded report files have proper name and format and are replaced with a fresh ones at the desired frequency:

    1. Income Statement report file should be in CSV format named income_statement

    2. Balance Sheet report file should be in CSV format named balance_sheet

Email Method - Setting up Custom Reports in Netsuite

💡Custom reports will ensure that the Drivepoint forecasts incorporate the correct Netsuite data and data is synced daily.

Step-by-step Balance Sheet Setup Guide

The balance sheet should look like this sample Balance Sheet. Feel free to keep it open while you are going through the setup guide to compare.

  1. Open Netsuite in your browser

  2. Click on “Reports” field in the top navigation bar

  3. Select “New Financial Report”

  4. Select “Balance Sheet” in the view list of all reports

    This should open up the “Financial Report Builder” View

  5. Name “Drivepoint Balance Sheet”

  6. Click on “Edit Columns” in the header next to “Edit Layout”

    This should open up the “Reports Review” View

  7. Select “Accounting Period” in “View by Columns Field”

    This should now show “Financial Row” in the first column

  8. Click on “Preview” to see the balance sheet

    This should open up the balance sheet view (it can take a few seconds to load!)

  9. Navigate to the footer of the balance sheet preview to set the periods:

  10. “End Of”: should say "Custom:

    No need to select anything here, it will automatically adjust when you set the time period in the next step

  11. “As of”: set to earliest month of financial records

    ❗️If “As of” is not available, select From: Earliest month of financial records: To: “The furthest point in the future, (likely the last month of this year) 💡This will help us to receive all historical financial information as well as all future financial information. We will set up a maintenance call to expand the period if you selected “From” - “To” period at the end of the year.

  1. “Column”: should say “Accounting period”

    You should see the full balance sheet starting from your first financial accounting period to the most recent one (navigate to Step 13 if you do - we are halfway there!)

💡If you are unable to see the full balance sheet. You can try the following hacks:

  • Select specific subsidiary in the footer of the “preview”

  1. Click “Save” in the Financial Report Builder

    This should open up the “Balance Sheet” preview again

  2. Navigate to the right footer of the balance sheet

  3. Click on the “Calendar icon” (🗓️)

    Should be the icon on the outside (next to the ✉️icon) Should open up a window called “Schedule Report”

  1. Select the date of tomorrow as the first day of sending it

  2. Select a time at night (2-5am) to send the report to the Drivepoint team

  3. Click on the check box: “Run report more than once”

  4. Select “Daily Event”; Repeat every “1” day

    NO end date

  1. Insert Drivepoint email address in the “Email” field

    This can be found in the 3rd column of the table

  1. You can find the email address in your inbox or on the Netsuite setup page in the Drivepoint web-app

    The email address should look similar to the following:

  1. Click on “Message” in the blue navigation bar next to “Recipients”

  2. Type in “balance_sheet” in the message text box

  3. Select “CSV” from drop-down menu below the message text box

    This ensures Drivepoint receives your data in the correct format

  1. Hit save

  2. Double check the scheduled report is showing up by navigating to “Reports” (top header) → “ Scheduled Reports”

  3. Congrats🎉 - you set up the balance sheet report! Let’s move to the income statement.

Step-by-step Income Statement Setup Guide

💡 Most of our clients have additional dimensions segmenting the financial rows from the account periods. Here is a template of how the income statement with classes should look like. Feel free to keep it open while you are going through the setup guide to compare.

  1. Open Netsuite in your browser

  2. Click on “Reports” field in the top navigation bar

  3. Select “New Financial Report”

  4. Select “Income Statement” in the view list of all reports

    This should open up the “Financial Report Builder” View

  1. Name “Drivepoint Income Statement”

  2. Click on “Edit Columns” in the header next to “Edit Layout”

    This should open up the “Reports Review” View

  1. Select “Accounting Period” in “View by Columns Field”

    This should now show “Financial Row” in the first column

  2. Search for your desired dimension in the search box on the left

    ❗️Some of our clients use classes, customer, sales channel, business units or cost centers to further segment their financials. You can add whatever feels appropriate up to two additional dimensions 💡Sometimes dozens of classes show up with the same name. Some of them are only available for the parent company so it is important to continue checking whether the data shows up through the “Preview” capability.

  3. Drag the class you are selected into the table on the right

  4. Move left or right to place them in between the financial rows and accounting period

    Or click remove if you accidentally selected the wrong class

  5. Click on “Preview” to see the income statement

    This should open up the income statement view (it can take a a few seconds to load!)

  6. Double check that you have selected the correct classes

    Some of our customers have classes with the same title but only one with the correct values

  7. Navigate to the footer in the income statement preview to set the periods

  8. “End Of”: should say "Custom"

    No need to select anything here, it will automatically adjust when you set the time period in the next step

  9. “As of”: set to earliest month of financial records

    ❗️If “As of” is not available, select: From: Earliest month of financial records: To: ‘The furthest point in the future’, (likely the last month of this year) 💡This will help us to receive all historical financial information as well as all future financial information. We will set up a maintenance call to expand the period if you selected “From” - “To” period at the end of the year.

  10. “Column”: should say “Accounting period”

  11. Click “Refresh” and see any potential updates if not updated automatically

  12. Click “Save” in the Financial Report Builder to save the “Drivepoint Income Statement”

    This should open up the full income statement view again

  13. Navigate to the right footer of the income statement

  14. Click on the “Calendar icon” (🗓️)

    Should be the icon on the outside (next to the ✉️icon) Should open up a window called “Schedule Report”

  15. Select the date of tomorrow as the first day of sending it

  16. Select a time at night (2-5am) to send the report to the Drivepoint team

  17. Click on the check box: “Run report more than once”

  18. Select “Daily Event”; Repeat every “1” day

    NO end date

  19. Insert Drivepoint email address in the “Email” field (3rd column of the table)

    You can find the email address in your inbox or on the Netsuite setup page in the Drivepoint web-app The email address should look similar to the following:

  20. Click on “Message” in the blue navigation bar next to “Recipients”

  21. Type in “income_statement” in the message textbox

  22. Select “CSV” from drop-down menu below the message textbox

  23. This ensures Drivepoint receives your data in the correct format

  24. Hit save to save the scheduled daily report

  25. Double check the scheduled report is showing up by navigating to “Reports” (top header) → “ Scheduled Reports”

  26. Congrats🎉 - you set up the income statement report!

❗️LAST IMPORTANT STEP: Navigate to the Drivepoint web-app and click on “Connect Netsuite” on the bottom right. You should see a field that is toggled on to show the live Netsuite integration🤝!

Frequently Asked Questions

Which email should I use for setting up the email integration?

  1. Get access to Drivepoint via the email invite from your Drivepoint Representative or in your inbox.

    Make sure to check your spam folder as well.

  2. The format of the email you will need to schedule Netsuite reports to should look like the following:

  3. Did not receive an email? Please email with the subject line: “Missing Drivepoint Login for Netsuite”.

I am not sure where to start with this. What are the basics I should do?!

  1. All you really need to get started is to create 2 reports:

  2. You can always add other reports later and adding extra dimensions for the P&L including class, sales channel, etc., it is not needed for the stage of setting up the integration.

  3. Navigate to the "Step by Step Balance Sheet Setup Guide" to get started before continuing to setup the Income Statement

My data is not showing up in my add-in. What should I do?

Your data will only show up after the first email has been sent from Netsuite. It could therefore take some time to show up. If you still have concerns after 48h, email or speak to your Drivepoint Representative.

I would like to have extra granularity in my forecasting. What should I do?

💡Some of our clients create extra reports for incorporating granular data from various channels

If you would like to have extra granularity in your financial model Drivepoint supports two extra dimensions (columns) for a Netsuite report

You will need to:

  1. Prepare the report in Netsuite in the format similar to the image below with column B being “Class” and column C being any other extra dimension. Or find the link to the sample Income Statement here.

  2. Send the report sample via email ( with the subject: “Custom Netsuite Report”), slack your Drivepoint representative or bring it up in the next call with the Drivepoint team so we can properly map those columns to the internal fields.

  3. Schedule the report delivery in Netsuite to your custom Netsuite-Drivepoint integration email.

Last updated